Trailer starts with a non-gigantic background music which adjusts environment to a normal day & then after a second a big fancy house is shown with 2 cool cars on it’s porch. Then two guys are shown one in a suit in his late 30’s which indicates he might have a white collar job while other guy is in a sweater & pretty much chilled even wearing hobbit ears which indicates that he might be a huge movie freak. Further they are shown In a wide angle discussing Mike’s life (the guy in a suit). It’s shown then that Mike’s wife Scarlett kicked him out of the house & his children doesn’t much care about him while this discussion clips are shown of Scarlett throwing Mike’s stuff out of the house & Mike’s children ignore Mike. Then the conclusion comes that it’s all negative.

narrator tells that Mike gets his old life back like his age goes back about 20
years & he’s 17 again. After that we see match in action of footsteps all
dirty & full of mud getting in a house, then standing in a bathtub washing
himself when camera goes up & we see Zac Efron instead of Matthew Perry who
seems like the 17 year version of Mike. And when Mike realizes that he’s 17
again he screams in front of a mirror. Next thing is shown that Mike’s friend
tells hi that it’s freaking him out while Mike in a higher tone tells him it’s
freaking him out. Mike after figuring tells that it’s his chance to do it
right go back to high school with a
close up while we see clips of Mike playing basketball in background from which
we can state out that he was a basketball champion back in high school. His
friend with an over the shoulder is shown telling Mike not to drag him but next
thing we see that friend enrolling Mike to high school as his father while Mike
trying to to be cool adds “Sup” as in what’s up. Trying to be cool Mike is
wearing hip but after some girls makes fun of him. Next thing we are shown that
Mike bring a new sports car & gets a new cool look & girls seems quite
attracted to him & Mike nervously waves at his daughter who doesn’t
recognizes him because of age factor. However, Mike’s shown being bullied by
some football players & next thing we know that back in there house he’s
eating too much because he’s hungry all the time where again light are bright.
Narrator narrates that Mike’s back in the game & Mike is introduced to
Scarlett by his son. When Scarlett notices him she grabs Mike’s face &
weirdly tells that he resembles so much of her husband. Then Maggie (Mike’s
daughter) is shown with a boy his boyfriend who bullies her little brother
& when Mike confronts him she screams “ who do you think you are, my father
?” while this conversation Maggie’s shown kissing her boyfriend & her
boyfriend bullying her little brother in cafeteria maybe. Next thing we’re
shown Mike interrupting Maggie & his boyfriend all the time sometimes by
throwing water o them & sometimes picking a fight with him & all these
clips are shown for like a second or so. When Mike’s friend asks who won the
fight now in a wide shot Mike replies it was even but friend confronts him “ on
youtube it seemed he was kicking your butt”.
Narrator now
tells that new line cinema presents where Mike interrupts him 7 tells Maggie
that “ When you’re young everything feels like the end of the world but it’s
not, it’s just the beginning ”. While Mike’s quoting some party clips by wide
angle & shown close ups of Mike’ children are shown & even Mike’s shown
dancing having fun whereas over light’s are bright as the genre is romantic
comedy . Now in the last scene when Mike’s son tells his mom that he made it to basketball team,
Scarlett hugs him & even Mike hugs both of them then Scarletts tells mike it’s super inappropriate.
Trailer ends here & narrator tells the title & releasing date of the
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