Shaw shank
Redemption is an thriller movie which was released in 1994.The Trailer of the
movie starts with a rather confusing and Conspiratorial atmosphere. Trailer
shows that a man is standing in court who is being accused of murder but is not
guilty for anything. the people providing evidence are the people who looks
like as if they were culprits and are giving Conspiratorial evidence. Which
would the man into big trouble. The
atmosphere and expressions of the culprit are shown as there is a reason due to
which he is staying quite. Because he did not speak up the judge has ordered
him to serve life sentence.

The next part of the trailer shows atmosphere of the jail and jail Security. Trailer shows that the head of jail security is a very tough guy and wants to see discipline everywhere. The Next bit of the trailer takes place at Jail. At jail the man ends up meeting to a guy who is in prison for a very long time. When the old guy asks the man why did he committed crime he denied by saying he didn’t do it on which the old guy giggled. The man moved away from him on which it made old guy to think about what kind of guy that man was. By these actions trailer reveals more about mans personality.
Next Part
of the trailer reveals more about environment of jail and people there. it also
shows that old guy and the man have
become good friends. after some time the trailer reveals what the man was
actually wanting and what was he is in search of. When the old guy hears his
idea and dream he warned him about how dangerous his plans can be. The Way old
guy spoke up it looks like that he is very hopeless and sad about life. it
reveals that old guy has no hope and enthusiasm to something. To show how
dangerous the other guy plans can be the trailer shows frustration of another
police officer along the old guy lines.The trailer
goes on by showing that someone is trying to change jail place. Once the guy
starts working on his plans he gets in attention of a police officer who is
very frustrated and tries to catch him but his expressions shows that the guy
has been successful in his plans.At the
trailer shows us that something big has happened in jail after a long time. All
prisoners have gathered at one place and looking at the sky which reveals that
the guy is trying to change them and tell something which is followed by scene
showing that the guy who has left the jail wants to do something new. His
expressions show that he is very enthusiastic about life and wants to get on
with it. 

In the end
the trailer tells us about Tim Robbins life in Shawshank, further the shots
overall are high angled on lead characters like Morgan Freeman & Tim
Robbins are never shown in dominance except n last few seconds Tim Robbins
topless covered in rain. Overall it’s an intriguing trailer not much
enthusiastic but gives the right indications about this masterpiece.
reviewed in a comprehensive manner. very good !!